WBKA Annual General Meeting and Honey Show 2024

This year’s AGM and Honey show will be held at Ilkley Rugby Club on the evening of Friday 15th November. All members are encouraged to attend and to submit entries to the show. For full details see the Honey Show page which includes the AGM Agenda, Class information and Entry Form for the show and some advice on preparing entries.

Asian Hornet Presentation

On 13th April, Carl Prosser, a licensed Asian Hornet tracker gave a presentation to WBKA members in Skipton. Carl has kindly shared his presentation with us. It mostly discusses the experience of trying to deal with the hornet in Jersey but is full of useful information and lessons for anyone facing this threat.

You can CLICK HERE to download a copy of Carl’s presentation.

Asian Hornet

WBKA is part of the UK-wide effort to track and resist the spread of the Asian Hornet, an invasive species which threatens to devastate the UK population of honey bees and other pollinators. A major predator of honeybees, the hornet is also known to eat many other species of pollinators including flies and wasps.

How to Report a Sighting

The best way to report a possible Asian Hornet sighting is to use the Asian Hornet Watch App, available from the links below.


Apple iPhone/iPad

Asian Hornet Identification Sheet

more information including identification and locations of sightings:

A Long-term solution to the Varroa problem

Recent research can now explain how a small number of beekeepers managed to keep bees after stopping Varroa treatment 10 or more years ago. Combining the experience of these beekeepers with the latest research will allow many more beekeepers to manage their bees without the need to control Varroa. This website gives you free access to all the scientific knowledge and advice and tips from beekeepers willing to  share their expertise. 

Honey 2023 Show Results

You can see the results of the 2023 Honey Show on the website here. Or you can navigate to them by going to the Events menu.

As well as the results we also have Gill’s notes on the judging process and tips for submitting your entries. Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks to everyone who contributed to this years’ show.

Search the site

To help you find specific content on this site I’ve added a Search option in the menu above.

If you search for a specific term/phrase it will show a list of the pages where that text can be found.

Plain Speaking about the Asian Hornet

In the April 2023 BBKA News Andrew Durham from Cambridgeshire BKA reviews the current situation regarding Asian hornets in France and concludes that…

“When and wherever the Asian hornet gets a foothold over here, it will happen quicker than you think, and it is going to be worse than you think. That much is already clear from what has happened across the Channel over the last eighteen years”

He has prepared some briefing notes, which include information about methods for reducing the impact of the hornets on bee colonies, you can access these by using the links below.

Asian Hornet The Beekeepers’ Guide – Integrated Control in the Apiary  

Asian Hornet Beekeepers Guide – The Hornet & The Honey Bee

Asian Hornet Beekeepers Guide – Integrated Control in the Area Around the Apiary

New Beginners Training Course Now Booking

For 2023 we have restructured our beginners’ training. The course is in three parts:

Early summer: Taster session at an association apiary

Throughout the summer: Apiary visits with an experienced beekeeper

Autumn/Winter: Theory Course

We are now booking places for the Taster session, for more information and sign-up form, see our Learn About Beekeeping page.